Monday, December 5, 2016

A Temple Trip

Hey, hey! 

Today we had the awesome experience of being able to go to the Manti Temple. It was so refreshing! And it was just was beautiful as last time. The Manti temple certainly is a special place.  I am really excited for when I go home to get to go to the Temple anytime I want and not have to ask for permission. :) 

We were quite glad that this past week November changed into December, because we were running low, low, on miles and were doing a lot do walking. We did see a lot of neat things because we're walking though. For instance, we prayed for a lot of angels to pick us up (if we were going to be late to something) and every time  someone pulled over and asked us if needed rides. God does hear and answer prayers. 

This week we also had zone Conference, which was really good. President and Sister Smith have really good trainings on the white handbook and using our time more wisely. Zone Conference is always amazing though! 

Transfers are coming up, and I don't know if any of us are really looking forward to that, but what comes will come. :) we don't think that we will remain in a trio though and we think Sister Kirby is staying in Richfield so we will see. 

I love you all!! 

-Sister Waite(a-second)

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