Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017

Hey Everyone!

This week was pretty great! It was good to get back into contact with everyone, I mean most people were busy with the holidays but they scraped out sometime to talk with us. 

The highlight of the week was talking with Rula. She has had some hard things happen to her these past few weeks, and she has to go back home for a month to face some things,  but  we know that God will help her. She says the most amazing things, though. We were talking about how we can ask God for help in the small details of our lives and she told us that, “God likes to be acknowledged when we ask for small, unimportant details because we can not do them ourselves. Even if it doesn’t work out how we want it too, God likes to be acknowledged.” I think that it true! We can be humble and turn to God for both and the big and the small things in life. 

We have also talked about about being thankful this week, only in part because it was Thanksgiving.There is so much to be thankful for in our lives, even the bad things that go wrong in our lives we can be grateful for. The scriptures teach us over and over again to be thankful in all things and as we strive to do that then even or trials can become a  little bit more bright. Our Thanksgiving was good though. We got to spend part of our with our newly called live at home senior couple, the  Corry's, we are excited to get to work with them. 

Thanks for everything! 
-Sister Waite

Monday, November 20, 2017

Cedar City Temple Open House You never know who you'll see

It was a cool experience to get to get to see Great Grandma! And she came at the perfect time, we had a few minutes to chat before everyone else showed up! It it would have happened on a Saturday we would have filled up the tent in a few minutes, showed the video, then sent them one their way. But it was good to get to see her.

Here is what Great Grandma had to say:
A tender mercy...Kathleen and I were the first people sent to the last tent..who did we find there...Sister Waite!"


Hey Everyone! 

This past few weeks have been an adventure to say the least! 

The Cedar City Temple Open House was an experience to say the least.  It was harder than we thought it would be and what most people expected it to be but good came out of it as well.  I think one of the things I learned from though was that God knows us personally. It was amazing how people that the sisters knew would come to the right tent to see that Sister. It happened multiple  to everyone, not just me. But those where the moments that made it all worth it. To see people that I knew and loved, like my Great Grandma and people I had worked with in Kanab and Richfield made all the difference. The talk that Elder Rasband have this last conference comes to mind. There is no chance in life, and it was done by Divine Design.  

Another touching story from the temple open house happened to a woman who is not a member. The story begins with a Presbyterian church in Queens NY that was built over a hundred years ago. This church was demolished fairly recently but there were at least 4 stained glass panels that an art dealer saved. Knowing that the church would take good care of these beautiful pieces of art they were donated. The church restored them to their former glory (as they were in quite bad condition) and then placed them in temples. One is in the Provo City Center Temple, another in Star Valley Wyoming Temple and then two here in the Cedar City temple. This woman walked inside the temple and just started to cry because there, hanging above a recommend desk, was the same stained glass panels from the church that she had grown up going to. The Lord knew her so well that he knew she would be at this open house at that time And that those painting would mean a great deal to her. She was having a rough day and that is exactly what she needed! She isn’t making any plans to join anytime soon, but what a fond experience she must have to remember the temple by.  

That was a big moment in her life but I know we all have small moments that we can look for where we can see the hand of God in our lives. Look for it and I know that you can find it! God truly does love each and every single one of us! 

Also, last week transfers happened. I am staying here in Cedar West for another 6 weeks! Sister White, however, went back down to St. George and Sister Barnett came up. She is from Washington state, about an hour north of Seattle. We look forward to finding lots of people and teaching once more! 
I love you all! 
-Sister Waite 




Monday, November 6, 2017