Hey Everyone!
This past week was pretty awesome. We have been doing A LOT of walking
as we are running low on our miles this month. But it doesn't surprise
me that I actually enjoy it. I could be in a walking area. The only
problem is that you can only walk so fast and sometimes we found
ourselves late for things...
But on the brighter side we have run into a lot of people! We were
walking down the road and someone passed us and then backed us to tell
us that is wife had been visited by missionaries before and that she
would enjoy that! We were pretty excited about that. She is a less
active member trying to come back but it was a pretty cool moment.
We have been doing exchanges the past week. We only have one Sister
training leader (Sister Lola) so while she went with Sister Dunne,
Sister Kirby and I went together. That was a lot of fun. We were
walking together and we came across this couple washing their car. We
offered to help them, and they actually let us. So there we were, in
our nice clothes getting pretty wet and dirty, sneaking in the gospel
where we could. They aren't member and where not interested, but we
were able to plant some seeds!!
Rhonda was not baptized this week, she hit a bump in the road, but she
is still working toward it! She is so eager to be baptized, but she
talked about how she wants it to be done the right way and when she is
totally ready. She is going to make it, she is going to be baptized,
we are just not sure when. But she is one of the most amazing women.
For those who listened to conference, she could defiantly be
classified as a 'certain' women. She has embraced the gospel full
heartedly!! If only we could all have the bravery that she did.
I hope you all have an amazing week!!
I love you all!
-Sister Waite(a-second)