Hey Everyone! :)This week has uneventful, for the most part. I think the most excitingthing that has gone one is that we have been double booked for dinneralmost every night this week because we combined the stakes. Thus ithas been like thanksgiving all over again because we have been toosoft hearted to cancel with people unless we absolutely have to....We did get to see Rhonda again. Sister Lola made a promise with her,that if Rhonda will give up her Word of Wisdom issue the she will giveup her rice.... and if you know Sister Lola then you know that sheloves rice. We all agreed to give something up, Sister Kirby is givingup impatience.On Thursday we saw Larry as well. He is still struggling to come tochurch, he wasn't able to make it yesterday. :( But we will hopefullysee him a couple times this week and we can talk about that.It has been fun to be back in Kaibab again. It truly is amazing,though, how much you forget in 6 weeks, and how soon it comes back aswell. :)This morning we leaned that Sister Lola is being emergency transferredto Mesquite (if she had to leave to Kanab, she was glad it was there.It is closer to Las Vegas which as her duck eggs. :) ) Sister Kirbyand I are looking forward to a busy week!!I love you all!!-Sister Waite(a-second)
Hey Everyone!!
This past week was really, really good.
We have the chance to go on mini-exchanges again this week, so I got
to go with Sister Lola to Kaibab! That was a lot of fun to see people
that I had worked with. :) We had the chance to teach Larry. He was a
man who Sister Lola and I picked up on our last day together, so I
never really got to teach him... until Friday! We retaught the
restoration again and we put him on date for June 10th!
Another interesting experience that we had this week all started with
Sister Dunne getting locked out of the bathroom...anyway, there is
whole another story behind that, but we ended up heading to the church
Thursday evening (about 8) so that she could use the restroom. After
that we were just sitting for a moment, talking about where we were
going to go and we looked and there was this family just staring in at
us! Turns out they were this Member family just looking for bishop but
while we were talking with them another woman walked up. Turns out,
she was looking for a place to pray and this was the only place she
could find that looked open. So we let her in and let her pray for
about half an hour. When she came out, she just looked so at peace. We
started talking with her, and we all starting talking about our
testimonies of Christ and the spirit WAS SO STRONG!! It was really
cool. She didn't take a Book of Mormon or a watch #Princeofpeace, but
she felt the spirit and the Lord provided her a place to pray when she
needed one. That is how much He loves us.
Last night we also managed to pick someone new up. Her name is Rose,
but we are unsure of her real motives. We know that she has been
studying with another religion and is pretty far into it, but we are
just praying that she doesn't want to just debate. We will go back and
see how it goes though!!!
I love you all!!!
-Sister Waite (a-second)
Hey! :)This past week was really good! I had exchanges with Sister Lola thisweek, and we had a blast as well as miracles. There was a woman, Else,we had met several weeks ago that said we could come back, and wedropped by again that night with Sister Lola. Get this, she had livedin the Philippines during her childhood! Thus, she and Sister Lola hitit right off and she even agreed to watch conference with us!...unfortunately she texted us Saturday morning and told us no, thatshe actually wasn't interested, but it was cool to once again see theLord in action.We then had zone Conference as well Fridayy and it was awesome!Mission wide there have been some big changes. We are no longer allowed
to work with less-actives, thus freeing up a lot of our time togo finding... it will be a bit of an adjustment, but it is clear thatit is from the Lord for this mission. The Wards are going to have tostep it up and the missionaries are going to have to step up ourfinding level so that we will be busy.General Conference was also amazing! The talks were really good with alot of inspired words! We were super excited leading up to conference,we didn't get to watch it with Else, but we watched it with somemembers and the other sisters. I am excited to get to read through itagain,The #PrinceofPeace also came out this past Friday. It is so good!Hahha, as missionaries we have watched it more times then normal...both by ourselves and with other people but it is still as good as itwas the first time, if not better. Go and watch it if you haven't.Learn the principles of peace that Christ can leave with us.Thank you and I love you all!!!-Sister Waite (a-second)