This week we had the chance to teach a man (Dan) and his mother. His
mother has been sick lately and hasn't been able to to do much, but
with this inability to do anything she decided that she wants to go to
church. Haha, she says that she will walk there if need be (once she
is all the way better). We are excited to get to teach them!
We had an amazing lesson with Troy this week. He is still progressing
towards baptism and wow. He just has this really special spirit about
On Friday night we were also able to have an amazing experience withRula. We walked into her home and there was just their happy spirit
about it. Her husband, who is a trucker, was home finally and we
learned that he is working on getting a job down here so he can stay
close to home (which was a huge answer to Rula prayers!) and then Rula
was telling us that she knows. She knows that Christ is her Savior
which is big considering she is Muslim. D&C 46:13 was pretty much
exactly what told us and how she believes. However, with that she is
making the scary step these next few weeks in telling her family. We
will see how it goes but we are sure praying for her!
Sunday was a regional Stake conference and it was so good. We had the
chance to hear broadcasted this conference out to most of southern
Utah (256 stakes). We had the chance to hear from Elder Stevenson fromthe the Quorum of the 12 and he gave some amazing advice. There did
not apparently used to be missionaries in Utah, they very first tried
it out as an experiment with just two elders when Elder Stevenson had
just started his mission. And now look at where it is. 9 missions, 800
missionaries, and even more investigators. Wow, it is amazing to watch
the hastening of the work go forth today.
In this Stake conference we also heard from Elder Uceda who gave an
outstanding talk on doing the small and simple things. He talked about
reading the scriptures and praying and how, when we pray with a
sincere heart, then we have a moment in the heaven. The Lord does hear
and answers our prayers. That is something that I know without a doubt
and He always answers, even if we don't always understand or recognize
right away.
I love you all!!
-Sister Waite
just started his mission. And now look at where it is. 9 missions, 800
missionaries, and even more investigators. Wow, it is amazing to watch
the hastening of the work go forth today.
In this Stake conference we also heard from Elder Uceda who gave an
outstanding talk on doing the small and simple things. He talked about
reading the scriptures and praying and how, when we pray with a
sincere heart, then we have a moment in the heaven. The Lord does hear
and answers our prayers. That is something that I know without a doubt
and He always answers, even if we don't always understand or recognize
right away.
I love you all!!
-Sister Waite
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